Sunday, August 12, 2007

The new school year!

Hello, everyone, and welcome back. I'm sure many of you are excited for the upcoming school year and most of you are pissed off. I know I am!

Anyway, let me get straight to the point: Pokémon Club... is dying [insert gasps of horror]. I have been left as your leading - and only - officer, with Kqdtli (your former president), thomas (your former vice president), Patrick (your former treasurer and current fatty), and, regretfully, our gracious host, Mr Lang, having left the school, but being forever in our memories... and in our hearts.

Now, a decision needs to be made. Anyone who is still interested in continuing the Pokémon club under its new management must contact me immediately if not sooner. We need to recruit new members, elect new officers, and, most importantly, find a new host. I need a minimum of 3 people to help me out, with a preference of 5 people or more. I will take the initiative of contacting all of our old members (that means a whopping 7 e-mails, but I think I can handle it) to find out who is still interested in keeping the legend alive. I will need 3 (three) people to be my vice president, treasurer, and secretary. However, if there are 4 (four) people that give me an answer and if these four can work together well, they can be the new Elite Four, and I will step down from the post of president. However, there can be no Pokémon club (and consequently no officers) if we do not have a host for our new club. The people who contact me will also need to provide suggestions for said host.

In lieu of all this, if we do not find at least 5 people total (including officers) who wish to be in Pokémon club, it will be eliminated. That is to say, I will not think it a worthy enough cause to put forth the effort needed. If there are four, though, who believe strongly enough in our mission to continue it in the coming school year, they may take the wheel.

That being said, our poor website is severely outdated. With new leadership (if it comes) there will be progress, but until that time, I shall leave all of the original Elite Four's e-mail addresses up here. Patrick and thomas are available for any Pokémon-related questions you may have (not to mention a pretty damn good knowledge of the la-dies). Unfortunately, I cannot speak for Kqdtli at this time, but if he would like also to put forth his invitation of confidant, he may do so here. You can contact any of the o.g. individually with the e-mail addresses linked to their names, or email to send an e-mail to all of us.

Patrick, thomas, and Kqdtli will always be welcome as honorary guests whenever they would like to stop by, obviously only in the case of Pokémon club resuming.

If I have left anything out, get over it.

Love, your temporary president (really, just call me Your Majesty, that'll do nicely),